Saturday, 4 February 2012

This week I have mostly...

Been listening to...

I literally cant get enough of this song at the doubt I will completely play it to death and end up not liking it in a couple of weeks!

Been Eating...

I'm meant to be eating healthy but I cant resist a cup of tea and biscuits to cure the afternoon slump!

Been watching...

I love 24. My fiance and I worked our way through 7 series of it when we were at Uni. We never got round to watching the final series when it started on SKY though so we have just started watching it and its sooo good! If you have never seen an episode then I cant recommend it enough!

Been reading...

If you aren't following Lily already then I don't know where you have been! Her sense of style is second to none and I love to read her reviews on even if she does make me spend all my money! Definitely my favourite blog!

I only realised this week that Victoria from VeeVeeVogue on Youtube has a blog as well, her style is amazing and she comes across as such a lovely girl! You should go check out her blog and Youtube channel NOW (if you haven't already!)

Been wanting...

I don't usually read much but when I do get into a good book I cant put it down and I think if I had a kindle, I would definitely read more! ha!

Been Buying...

Benefit's Porefessionally Pretty set. Diet Coke are running a promotion at the moment where they are giving £5 off any Benefit purchase online, over £20 so I though brilliant I can go online and get The Porefessional (Which i have wanted for ages) and get £5 off. The set, which includes small sizes of Erase Paste and Girl Meets Pearl is the same price as The Porefessional on its own but is only limited edition so had sold out online. Plus even If I had brought it, P+P is £4 so I would only have saved a pound! SO ANYWAAAY...I went to Debenhams and they had 2 sets left in the store so I couldn't say no!!! plus I had a gift card in my purse with £2 left on it so I still got it a little cheaper! Keep an eye out for my first product review on this, will hopefully post next week!

What have you been mostly doing this week?

Love Bri. x


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